Our Mission Statement
Our Mission: Equip the Believers, Proclaim the Gospel, Serve the Community
我們活動的中心是讚美上帝 ---- 使人歡歡喜喜來敬拜真神;
To praise God is at the core of our activity, That we welcome everyone worship Him with Joy;
我們首要的目標是領人歸主 ---- 使人接受基督,進入教會;
To lead people to the Lord is our foremost objective, That we invite everyone to accept Jesus and join the church;
我們鮮明的標誌是彼此相愛 ---- 使人參加小組,享受團契;
To love one another is our distinct characteristic, That we encourage small group participation for fellowship;
我們著重的策略是栽培訓練 ---- 使人學習聖經,增長靈命;
To make disciples is our preferred strategy, That we enable everyone to be Scripture-led and spirit-filled;
我們最大的任務是廣傳福音 ---- 使人宣揚救恩,作光作鹽;
To proclaim the Gospel is our Great Commission, That we preach the Good News and be salt and light to the world;
我們得力的方法是恆切禱告 ---- 使人倚靠上帝,謙卑自己。
To pray incessantly is our way to be empowered, That we humble ourselves and rely on God.