
本教會支持的宣教士 (Missionaries)

陳耀基夫婦 (Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Chan)


陳弟兄本是南加州Epicentre Church受薪同工,負責行政及領袖訓練。後來辭退工作,與太太Clara於2013年 12月底帶着年幼兒子Elijin和女兒Evadene開始到非洲馬拉維 (Malawi) ,在瑤族 (Yao) 中長期宣教。瑤族是「未得之民」 (unreached people),絕大多數人信奉回教,沒有聽過基督的福音。


高浩平牧師是德裔美國人,師母是來自台灣的華人。從2003,他的一家開始在中亞天山地區服務,至今已經超過20年。東干人是從中國新疆和陝西一帶遷移到那裡的回民,信奉回教,是少數民族,約佔全國人口的2%,以農業為主。東干的語言與中文很接近,但文字不同。東干人屬於「未得之民」(Unreached People)。11 萬東干人中,信仰耶穌的不到 70 人,只有一座俄羅斯東正教教堂,而且沒有一本完整的用東干語言寫的聖經。高牧師夫婦透過中文和英語教學、醫療服務和社群媒體推廣,用行動和言語分享上帝的愛。

謝中興、溫佳琪夫婦 (Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hsieh)



劉天約弟兄 (Mr. Joel Lau)


Mr. Joel Lau grew up in the CLCH family. Upon graduating from college, he responded to God’s calling and joined Cru’s Epic Movement ministry. He has been sent as a missionary to serve the college campuses of Kyoto, Japan. This August, he will complete two years of service in this missionary position. As Joel said, “God has blessed the movement with so much fruit. In a country where less than 1% of people know Jesus, He has gathered students with a passion for fellowship and reaching others with Christ’s love. To experience the Gospel through their culture and pour into these students is a privilege from the Lord.” For more information, please visit: https://give.cru.org/1155306 


本教會支持的宣教機構 (Mission Organizations)

基督使者協會Ambassador for Christ


Ambassador For Christ is called by God, in cooperation with local churches, to evangelize and disciple Chinese students and professionals in the United States and other parts of the world, to motivate and equip them to impact the culture for the Lord, and to mobilize and channel them into the service of Christ as a vital force for God’s Kingdom.


夏威夷萬國兒童佈道團 C.E.F. of Hawaii


Child Evangelism Fellowship, also known as CEF, is a Bible-centered, worldwide organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the local church for Christian living. C.E.F. Hawaii’s vision is that every child on every island can hear the Gospel by the age of twelve. Its mission is to inspire, train and equip students and adults from local churches to effectively share the Gospel with the children of Hawaii.


基督教角聲佈道團《號角月報》 CCHC - Herald Monthly


The mission of Chinese Christian Herald Crusades (CCHC) is to lead the lost sheep to God through community services and evangelistic efforts. It aims to build up a clear Christian witness in the Chinese communities by expressing Biblical values through steadfast faith, love and care. Herald Monthly is an international publication welcomed by many Chinese readers.


夏威夷號角月報 CCHC - Herald Monthly Hawaii 

在2023年,角聲聽到「馬其頓」呼聲,經過禱告並蒙上帝帶領,於 3月中到夏威夷開拓新事工,希望與教會、機構同心合作,成為夏威夷福音事工的助力!其中一項事工是出版《號角月報》夏威夷版。

In January of 2023, CCHC heard the call of “Macedonia.” Through prayers and God’s guidance, we came to Hawaii to start a new ministry in mid-March. We hoped to cooperate with local churches and organizations to spread the Gospel. One such ministry is the publication of the Herald Monthly, Hawaii edition.


夏威夷中信福音中心 CCM - Hawaii Gospel Center

夏威夷中信信福音中心成立於 2001年,致力於接觸僑胞,藉着服務社區,舉辦不同類形的班別、講座、查經班、長者聚會及佈道會,領人歸主。它的宗旨是宣揚福音,服務教會,裝備信徒,傳遞異象。

Chinese Christian Mission (CCM) - Hawaii Gospel Center was founded in 2001. It serves alongside local Chinese churches to reach the unreached Chinese-speaking community. The mission is preaching the gospel, serving the churches, equipping the disciples, and passing on the vision.


中美服務促進會 China Service Ventures


China Service Ventures works to provide a bright future for Stay Behind children in Henan, China through innovative educational programming and cooperative partnerships. In China, we provide financial aid and innovative education. We train and equip teachers and school administrators. We facilitate faculty and student exchanges. We provide cross-cultural opportunities, in China and abroad, to help broaden a student’s world perspective. We work in partnership with provincial, country, and local governments and education authorities and community leaders to provide the best possible learning environments, educational materials, and educational programming to inspire Stay Behind children to a better life.


神州傳播協會 China Soul for Christ Foundation


Founded in 1999, China Soul for Christ Foundation is a leading Chinese Christian media organization based in California, United States. China Soul’s documentaries, books, sermons, music DVDs and CDs received exuberant responses in China and overseas. Some of them were reproduced in the millions.


《生命季刊》 Chinese Christian Life Fellowship

生命出版社於1996年底正式成立;1997年3月,《生命季刊》創刊號正式出版。蒙上帝保守,從創刊至今,出版發行量不斷增加,並成為海内外華人基督徒所喜愛的屬靈刊物之一。感谢上帝,靠着祂的恩典,《生命季刊》從最初的文字事工開始,至今已經發展成為一個集文字、影視、宣教、神學培訓、福音大會及聯絡平台 (network)為一體的綜合性福音機構,並正式更改註册名稱為「中國基督徒生命團契」,簡稱「生命團契」。當然,大家已經習慣使用的《生命季刊》仍會繼續使用。我們的使命是透過出版物、海外中國基督徒事工和中國事工,促進和動員中國基督徒的靈性成長,並在中國知識分子中培養基督徒領袖。

Christian Life Press, Inc. (CLPI), a non-profit organization, was established in late 1996. Later on, the organization was renamed Chinese Christian Life Fellowship (CCLiFe). Started as an initial publishing ministry and has now developed into a comprehensive evangelical organization with publishing, filming, TV broadcasting, missionary work, theological training, gospel conferences and a networking platform. The mission of CCLiFe is to facilitate and mobilize the spiritual growth of PRC Christians and to raise up Christian leadership among Chinese intellectuals, through publications, overseas PRC ministry, and China ministry.


世界華福中心 CCCOWE


CCCOWE stands for Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism since its inception in 1976. CCCOWE holds the vision of “Chinese Churches in One Accord, Proclaiming the Gospel until Christ’s Return.” With the roles of a “servant, bridge, and prophet”, we strive to bring together important and forward-looking voices on global mission and discipleship, and connect Chinese Christian leaders around the world to respond to God-entrusted mission as one.


基督教華僑佈道會 Chinese Overseas Christian Mission


Chinese Overseas Christian Mission (COCM) was founded in 1950 in the United Kingdom. The mission is to promote and facilitate God’s work of raising up mature Chinese Christians in the UK and across Europe by working hand in hand with like-minded churches and evangelical institutions. Key ministries include evangelizing and discipling the Chinese in the UK and Europe, equipping believers to build up strong and healthy churches and to serve their communities, and encouraging believers and churches to share the gospel both intra-culturally and cross-culturally. In this era of global migration, more and more Chinese are coming to the UK and Europe to study, work, and settle down. Many local Chinese churches rely on outside resources to nurture believers and equip them to spread the gospel.


歐洲校園事工Europe Campus Ministry


Established in 2006, European Campus Ministry (ECM) mobilizes North American Christians and churches to care for Chinese students in Europe and develop localized fellowships. Due to the lack of permanent pastors, ECM focuses on cultivating student leaders, making the entire ministry run by students and assisted by teachers. Since 2013, ECM’s vision has extended from establishing fellowships to establishing churches. Through summer gospel camps and winter retreats, ECM allows students from different campuses to temporarily experience a new experience that is stress-free, full of love and acceptance, and enjoy the atmosphere of family life. ECM takes "family love" and "gospel" as its core concepts and ministry symbols. They do not only bring the gospel of Christ to students in Europe, but also treat them as children, accompanying them and caring for them, teaching them by words and deeds, and helping them to become responsible husbands, wives, fathers and mothers who truly have the life of Christ in the future.


遠東廣播中文事工FEBC - China Ministries


Founded in 1945, FEBC is an interdenominational ministry whose sole purpose is to share the Good News to the world through radio, the Internet, and emerging technologies. In so doing, it seeks to cooperate with and support existing missionary efforts and the ministry of the greater body of Christ worldwide, based on a common belief in the Bible as the infallible, authoritative Word of God.


香港晨曦會Operation Dawn Hong Kong

香港晨曦會致力為濫藥人士提供全面的福音戒毒復康服務,本會奉行聖經教導:「若有人在基督裡,他就是新造的人,舊事己過,都變成新的了。 (林後5:17)」它一直以「不用藥物、不憑己力,只靠耶穌」的宗旨,協助患者戒除毒癮,得到身、心、靈的醫治,重過新生活。

Operation Dawn Hong Kong guides by the Gospel principles that “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). We aim to provide drug addicts with a comprehensive rehabilitation program to eradicate their drug dependency and achieve healing for the body, soul and mind.


海外校園機構 Overseas Campus Ministries


Overseas Campus Ministries, Inc. (OCM) was founded in 1992. By targeting Chinese intellectuals, through the use of literature, internet, media, and discipleship/leadership training, we preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, build up the Christian’s spiritual life, provide training for Kingdom ministry workers, and instill the vision of evangelizing Chinese intellectuals and mobilizing Chinese Christians to spread Gospel to the world.


夏威夷青年歸主協會 Youth For Christ Hawaii 


Youth for Christ Hawaii desires to see a flourishing YFC club in every high school and middle/intermediate school, including private schools, statewide. Our desire is that every young person aged 11-19 years will have the opportunity to personally encounter Jesus prior to graduating from high school. Hawaii’s youth will become an integral part of the body of Christ.
